Hey lovelies, welcome back!!
And  Yes yes it’s my birthday 💃🏼. I’d show you my ID to prove it but the picture on that thing is too ugly to see the light of day😂, so no thank you, I think I’ll pass on that one. On the real though, no matter how photogenic you can be, your ID picture will humble you!… you know what i mean?

Anyhu, so it also happens to be Valentine’s Day, some of you might believe in it , some of you might think it’s overrated but since the idea of love is already in the air , I thought why not write a little something. 

So here goes,

First of all let me state that, Islamically, it is not ‘wrong’or ‘sinful’ to fall in love or have a crush on someone. It’s what you do about it that will make it right or wrong. Love is only a matter of the heart and as humans, we have no control over matters of the heart. 

Imma share with you guys a little story and it goes something like this. There is this cute couple right?… One day the wife sees a couple of kids (boys) dancing and she is so intrigued, she wants to go watch them. She’s scared to go alone so her husband gladly obliges when she asks him to accompany her. 

So now she is standing behind him kinda like hugging him from behind with her chin on he’s shoulder coz she’s shorter and they are cheek-to-cheek the whole time (aww..how cute is that?… haha excuse my blond)

A little while into the dance, the man asks “Are you done watching?, can we go now?”… but her answer was “no” so they stay longer. He asks again a second time but the answer was still the same . However the third time he asks, she was like “yeah I’m done now , we can go”

Years later , after the passing of her husband (InnaliLlah) she is now narrating the events of that day to the people and this is what she says ” Wallahi !, I swear by God,I had NO interest in watching that dance ,… all I wanted was my face on his face” … Eat that Romeo and Juliet! Romeo had nothing on Rasul (SAW)… Yes yes, you guessed it,…the couple in the story is none other than Our beloved Rasul (SAW) and he’s lovely wife Aisha (RA). Sending peace and praises upon them.

So, dear future husband, (ahem ahem) if you are reading this, there is a glimpse of the kind of love I’d like to have ☝🏼 😊

And to the man I’ll get married to, I have these few words …

First I pray we both live long enough to see the day we’ll get married and after that I want to celebrate one of those one-month anniversaries even when they ain’t really anniversaries but doing it just because.

And If someone ever asks me what my favorite song is,… it will be whatever song plays on the radio while we’re driving , the full moon behind us, windows down with your hand running through my hair, because I know whenever I hear that song, it will always remind me of that precise moment.

Yes I adore children. Such pure hearts right?…Imagine one day we’ll have a child that is yours and mine.

But if there is a question I know I won’t be able to answer is when people ask me “what is it about him?” ….Tell me how I could possibly put 26 letters together to explain a beauty that cannot be comprehended?..

And yes I know not everything is sunshine and rainbows. So when times get hard, I’ll stick by you… I’ll stick by us…because at the end of the day, I don’t want a million matches, I just want one eternal flame .

There is this question I get asked often and this will always be my response:

Person: Ikran, what if your husband wants a second wife?

Me: I won’t give him a reason to want a second wife. I’ll treat him right an take care of him in every single aspect giving him all my love. I am a woman now, not that little girl anymore and that is my superpower. 

Outfit details :

The jumper I’m wearing is from @zeeroprints on IG (From StarShade). They make customized clothes and the best part is that when they deliver your order it comes with a packed in Surprise so you actually get more than you expected. How Lovely right?

Photography 📸 by @barberryian from @zeerovisuals

Thank you for reading!!.. feel free to like , share or leave a comment 😊…

Peace and love. Stay blessed 😘.

9 thoughts on “A VALENTINE BIRTHDAY 

  1. Beautifully written.
    ”And If someone ever asks me what my favorite song is,… it will be whatever song plays on the radio while we’re driving , the full moon behind us, windows down with your hand running through my hair, because I know whenever I hear that song, it will always remind me of that precise moment.”
    It’s like am there! Kudos!

    Liked by 1 person

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